“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  Behold, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not see it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.”

Isaiah 43:18-19

Group Coaching

Group coaching is an exciting process where you experience a unique shared learning environment to move each participant forward from where they are to where they want to be. I facilitate a collaborative process by asking good, rich questions and inviting the voices of each person into the room. 

You can hire me to lead sessions for your group or host a thematic gathering like my UNstuck Retreat.  Contact me below to explore how we can work together!

Students: Beyond Graduation

Anxious or overwhelmed by all the options?  I offer individual & group coaching through my Indigo Pathway Certification to guide students into more confidence & clarity about their future! 
– Host a group of students for my 2 hour introductory session with a free assessment, questions to process through the results and an abundance of resources. 
– Or sign up for my “Discovering Purpose” 4 session deep dive into the assessment results, study/career/gap year options, and gain a neutral, supportive voice to diffuse the stress and get to a place of HOPE for your future!

Discover Vision

“Meeting with Melanie really opened my mind to think about how my future plans should align with my values – Highly recommend!”

-Hope L. 

Find Motivation

“Mrs. Sunukjian provided excellent questions & resources that motivated me to think hard about my future – Highly recommend!”

– Hayden P.


Reach Goals

Attain the life goals and purpose to which you feel called.


Experience Growth

Accelerate your growth and become the best version of you.

Schedule a Call

Let’s explore what kind of events, retreats, or group coaching experiences can get you where you want to be!

The 30 minute call is free!